Sunday 15 September 2013

Great Moment with Beloved Family at Pink Beach and Tanjung Ringgit

21:25:00 1 Comments

Hello, friends!
            How’s your life today? Are you happy?? Are you healthy? Or you are GALAU,,!! Hahahaaa… :D
            Don’t worry! I’ll entertain you all with telling my experience. I know I am not good in writing, but I’ve tried to make a good story like this one. This is my story when I was in holiday. Well…… I wish you all are ok therefore it must be your pleased moment to read my experience; it was happened about last few week. It’s my holiday with my lovely family. Hope you enjoy read this blog and thank you for visiting yaaayy…!! :D
            Because of the holiday was happen at a day after Indonesia Independent Day (18 August 2013) so that I think it must be pleased if I also retell the history of my beloved country Indonesia at 17 August 1945, 68 years ago. It may be able to make you think that we must be a great generation more that what our patriots had been sacrificed for this country. Don’t let their sacrificial left useless, we must continue it with the better thing for our beloved country.
            People around the world know that on Agustus 17 every year, Indonesian always celebrate our Independent day. This is the day when Ir. Soekarno conveyed the Proclamation text to spread that Indonesia had been in freedom. For long time, Indonesia was colonized by Japan; however Ir. Soekarno bravely proclaimed that Indonesia had free from colonization. I am proud of the braveness of Ir. Soekarno at that time. It is very reasonable to call Ir. Soekarno as the biggest hero for Indonesia. Indonesia will belong to us in the past, now and forever. We love being Indonesian.
            Actually, I am so sorry for posting this blog too late. It is because I am very busy lately day. Well guys…… Indonesia is enriched by the great people here, various kinds of culture and social tradition, surrounded by many beautiful islands and many more…
            In this moment, I’ll share my story when I was in holiday with my beloved family at Tangsi Beach, do you know?? It was familiar called as Pink Beach in Lombok, particularly in East South of Lombok. And also I visited the amazing place in the world, Tanjung Ringgit. Woooow… it was amazing when I was there.
Pink Beach (Pantai Tangsi/Pink)
Tanjung Ringgit and Pink Beach are closed to one another. We can reach Tanjung Ringgit about 2 or 3 km from Pink Beach. It is near, isn’t it?? However, the way to get there is damaged half of it. It is about 1 hour trip we’ll go through the damaged street. But, it will be cured when you get Tanjung Ringgit and Pink Beach. The paradise place!! These are some photos of the street that we through to Pink Beach and continue to Tanjung Ringgit.
Rumah Warga di Desa Sekaroh, Jalan ke Pantai Pink dan Tanjung Ringgit
My little foot under Pink Sand (Tangsi Beach)

My Brother at Tangsi
My Beloved Mother and Brother in Pink Beach


Unyu-unyuan di pantai Pink
Goa Peninggalan Jepang di Pantai Pink
Meriam peninggalan Jepang 
di Tanjung Ringgit
Pepohonan di jalan menuju Pantai Pink dan tanjung Ringgit, So beautiful!
Tanjung Cina-tanjung Perak dari atas

I wanna see the world - Pink Beach

Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Giant Turtle on the Sea, Sungkun Beach East Lombok

19:00:00 0 Comments
Hi, guys…

How are you guys?? I hope you all fine. It has been long time I’ve never up dated my blog… I miss you guys ;)

By the way, it is a holiday time, isn’t it? What will you doing to spend your holiday?? Stay at home?? Or do nothing?? Or maybe you have a planning to go vacation?? There are many things that you can do with your beloved friends, not merely stay at home, right?  Maybe you can have fun with you friend, boy and girlfriend or with your beloved family anywhere you want. It must be a great day for you. Why not you try to spend few days for having fun with them?

                Well, if you don’t know where you should go for vacation, I will tell you briefly my great experience so that you maybe can be attracted to get there. A few last weeks, I had a great experience with my friends, actually with my classmates at Senior High School 1 Selong, Lotim. This moment will never been forgotten in my life. We had planned before to go to a beach, Haven beach in Jerowaru sub district area. This beach is very wonderful so we decided to spend holiday there. Unfortunately, we were lost on the way to get there, however we still continued following the way and finally we found more wonderful beach than the one. As people said, the beach is known as Sungkun beach. Although, it was very hard to get there because the road was being prepared at that time but that experience was unforgettable. Nevertheless, you should not be worry about that since the way has been fixed now.

photo of me and my friends

Sungkun beach has special feature that other beach has not. It has white sand and enriches with some exotic stone which forms a great view. The beach is blue and very clean. The beach was surrounded by hill that is very wonderful. That is actually not too popular like Senggigi and Gili terawangan but it is as awesome as the two. This place is still untouched by the tourists. This place is appropriate for tourists who want to sunbathe because it is pretty fair hot. It is also great for getting an awesome background who likes photography. It is also good for family to go vacation. Friends, I suppose you to visit to Sungkun beach because that is one of the little God’s creatures that are very great place in the world and we should have to introduce it over the world.
a photo with my friends

Sungkun beach exotic stone

Well, thank you very much for visiting my blog. I hope this information is useful for you. Let’s keep gift of nature.
Have a great holiday guys.. 
Keep smile J
the photo of me with Sungkun beach background


05:46:00 0 Comments

Entah bagaimana mengungkapkan
Entah bagaimana kau akan mengerti
Tindakan pun tak cukup membuatmu tergoyah
Bahkan sedikitpun tak tergoyahkan,
Payah, aku tahu itu,, aku payah..

Apa kau tahu?!
Bagiku hidup ini sangat berharga
Yah, sangat berharga…
Dan itu semua itu takkan sempurna tanpa kau disampingku
Hidupku sempurna denganmu, hanya kamu..

Tapi kau masih belum juga mengerti
Aku wanita tak mudah mengungkapkan
Apa yang ingin aku sampaikan
Dari hati ini
Aku wanita tak mudah mencintai
Hanya akan memberikan cinta pada satu hati
Hanya satu untuk selamanya…

"the girl who's waiting for"


05:25:00 0 Comments

Awan hitam kelam menutupi bulan
Matahari pun ikut lenyap
Langit yang indah tak lagi biru terpancar
Hitam, kelam….
Karena tertutup awan hitam dari selatan

Awan hitam…
Masih terlihat dari jendela kamar
Semakin hitam
Semakin kelam
Hatiku gundah
Hatiku payah… yaaah… payah…
Payah layaknya ketakutan awan hitam
Payah memang
Hitam tak terpancar cahaya, cahaya cinta…
Tak ada lagi terpancar cahaya untuk cinta
Dalam hatiku, kosong…

Entah apa dan bagaimana?!
Mengapa hatu ini kosong, hampa… entahlah…
Pasti satu yang pasti semua itu akan terjawab dibalik awan hitam…
Tunggu dan Tersenyumlah..

(malam kamis, 20.25, 19-06-2013)

Friday 19 April 2013


22:25:00 0 Comments

Reni Aprilly Muski begitu nama yang tertera di akta kelahiran, nama pemberian orang tua saya. Dari nama tersebut jelas saya lahir pada bulan April tepatnya tanggal 25, akan tetapi yang orang sering aneh dan penasaran dengan nama belakang saya yaitu ‘Muski’. Kata ‘Muski’ apabila dicari di aplikasi kamus bahasa Inggris kalian akan medapatkan hasil ‘lih: musky’ dimana maksudnya lihat kata ‘Musky’ yang artinya wangi seperti bunga mawar. Sejujurnya saya baru sadar nama saya memiliki arti dalam bahasa inggris baru-baru ini. Itu karena saya adalah penggemar bahasa inggris semenjak saya duduk di bangku kulyah di Universitas Mataram dengan jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, dan Alhamdullillah lulus dengan menyandang gelar Sarjana Pendidikan atau yang populer dengan sebutan S.Pd. Dan jauh sebelum itu saya sudah mengetahui arti nama saya ‘wangi’ pada saat saya masih SMA di SMAN 1 Selong dimana guru biologi saat itu memanggil nama saya dan seketika mungkin tertegun dan mengatakan kalau nama ‘muski’ itu ada dalam bahasa Latin yang artinya ‘harum/aroma’. Entahlah. Tetapi sebenarnya nama ‘Muski’ merupakan singkatan nama dari kedua orang tua saya yakni MUSa dan Kidah (panggilan sayang Ibu saya yakni Saidah). Hehe.. Singkatnya orang-orang biasanya memanggil Reni. Panggilan kecil yang biasanya menjadi panggilan sayang dari keluarga dan teman-teman dekat biasanya memanggil saya Iyenk. Dan sebagian teman kulyah memanggil saya April. Sebagian lagi ada yang memanggil Ren, Iren, Eni, Pril, Rilly, Muski, Mus, dan Ki. Haha… silahkan panggil saya apa saja yang penting tidak keluar dari konteks pernamaan. Salam kenal, terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya dan semoga bermanfaat. J

Thursday 18 April 2013


07:30:00 0 Comments


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